Paris or Pittsburg?
I’m no scientist (although I have studied a lot of science). And I’m no politician (although I have spent some time volunteering in local government). So I am going to leave the big climate change issues to others.
What matters most immediately to our customers are Bottom Line and Benefits.
With HVLS Fans they get -
- Cooling comfort more effectively and efficiently than other solutions.
- Huge savings when used as Destratification Fans in heating seasons.
- Even more savings when supplementing A/C and other HVAC and ventilation equipment.
- Safety, IAQ, and other benefits from drying effects and elimination of birds and bugs.
All of which equals lower utility costs, greater productivity, happier employees, and, yes, substantial reduction in energy resource usage, carbon emissions and other environmentally damaging impacts.
They get to do well by doing good.
Regardless of what energy prices are for oil, gas, and electricity from coal, nuclear, solar, wind or other sources - and whether or not there a taxpayer or ratepayer funded subsidies or rebates - they still save big while making a smaller footprint.
From my non-scientific observations over the years I cannot say there has been a clear pattern of less or more snow cover and frozen skate ponds in winters in New England. It does seem that the Nor’easters kick up more frequently and wash over the sea wall more often where we have been coming for many years. And as a boat owner I think I have been losing more sleep in recent years worrying about the track of hurricanes.
One thing I do monitor and have noticed for sure is these Keds shoes and plastic rakes I picked up nearly 30 years ago that come from containers washed overboard do wash up on the beach more frequently than they did in years’ past. (Why I keep them I cannot say - nor can my wife understand - except I guess as a symbol of the power of the ocean.)

I bet, though, that one can correlate temp increases caused by CO2 emissions with the population growth trends over the last 50 - 100 years. All of us humans do exhale a lot. And perhaps too many of us like our big cars and big comfy houses. Oh, and we need a lot of livestock to feed us. Think lots of methane…
All I know is less can be more. With or without subsidy, HVLS fans are a great way to make the world a better place. Get Comfort and Save Energy. Whether one is in Paris or in Pittsburg.
Peter Caruso | T 508-653-3500 | |